The Silver Lining

Oct 20, 2020 | Executive Coaching

Covid-19 has impacted the masses in such difficult and traumatic ways. For many, it has meant something incredibly personal, including the unthinkable notion of losing a loved one to a virus that did not even exist several months ago. For others, it has meant that our rhythm and normal way of living has been disrupted and we are angry. We miss our families, our co-workers, our sense of freedom and frankly, having any semblance of normalcy; no dinners out, cancelled vacations, and so many questions around our own security emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially still exist.

While we cannot possibly understand why this is happening to us at this time, this pain would have no return on investment if we didn’t extract out of it some value, learning, or betterment. Our clients have taken pause to reflect on how Covid-19 has helped them to re-evaluate priorities regarding their own families, careers, and satisfaction.

A few excerpts from client conversations over the last few weeks:

“I didn’t realize how much I had built my life around my career.”

“My relationship with my kids has totally changed; we eat dinner together now every single night of the week.”

“I cannot believe how much more productive I am at home.”

“I feel blessed that my employer continues to take care of me.”

“It’s so freeing not to wear make-up and to get real with people.”

“I didn’t realize how effective virtual happy hours could be.”

“This is the first time that I have connected with people in the field in such a long time.”

“Getting this commute time back has helped me get re-centered in my life.”

“My family says that I am showing up happier and less stressed.”

It is easy to focus on the negatives. How are we going to use this pandemic experience to grow individually and collectively? Maybe it’s time to get into shape physically, shore up our finances, build tighter connections with our family or team, or become more centered in our faith. Let’s emerge from this fiasco stronger and better than ever before. It’s our time to incline. We build exceptional leaders and organizations.